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S   cience

T   echnology

E   ngineering

M  athematics

STEM educational management guidelines for learners to learn and to integrate science knowledge, technology, engineering processes and math to connect and solve problems in real life Including the development of new processes or products along with the development of 21st century skills.

Therefore, STEM education is not new but is an extension of the curriculum to be used to solve problems in real life and future careers.

STEM Camp . Science in learning.

In today's society, when adopting technology to help in everyday life, it's not just an option for the world to come, but everything is about to have the technology to influence. Children therefore must have basic ability in use resolution (Hand), use creativity (Head) and use social intelligence (Heart).


Important in the development of young children to have skills of the future.

Attitude (Attitude)     Skills (Skill) and knowledge (Knowledge).

Learning in the 21st century must cross the "subject matter" into learning. "Skills of the 21st century" (21st Century Skills) instructors will be coaches and facilitates. (Facilitator) in PBL (Problem-Based Learning).

Because of education that is not just just listening students must play and do (Active Learning).

Through the area of exchange of knowledge between teachers (Professional Learning Community-PLC) through the management in two ways.

1. Learning Problem-Based Learning (PBL), which allows children to choose a problem that is of interest and near to them. The instructor guides the process. Allocate search tools for students, but have students do it themselves.

2. Maker space activities.   In which the children will practice designing skills, planning and implementation in various forms such as designing clothes, cooking, creating inventions with simple tools, with a "coach" organized the STEAM Design Process.

1.การเรียนแบบ Problem-Based Learning (PBL) ซึ่งให้เด็ก เลือกปัญหาที่สนใจและอยู่ใกล้ตัว ผู้สอนเป็นผู้แนะนำขั้นตอนต่างๆ จัดสรรเครื่องมือในการสืบค้นให้นักเรียน แต่ให้นักเรียนเป็น ผู้ลงมือทำเอง

2.กิจกรรม Maker space ที่เด็กจะได้ฝึกทักษะการออกแบบ การวางแผน และการลงมือทำในรูปแบบต่างๆ เช่น การออกแบบเสื้อผ้า การทำอาหาร การสร้างสิ่งประดิษฐ์ด้วยเครื่องมือช่างง่ายๆ โดยมีผู้เป็น “โค้ช” จัดกระบวนการ STEM Design Process

Niwet Panya Green Camp. Therefore learning management Is a conceptual framework that focuses on the outcomes of students (Student Outcomes), both in core subjects and to build learning skills in the 21st century (Model of 21st Century Outcomes and Support Systems) which is widely accepted.

STEM Activity Science of Learning.

Chemical experiment
Methyl alcohol rocket
Doctor and Frog
Fun Math
Tower-Bridge Modeling

Modern children dare to think creatively. Dare to make a difference be a leader. Build a team to be and communication for modern children start with understanding, not words.


Virtual reality simulation game.

Simulation of the situation to be more realistic and able to condense the experience and environment of a situation that may take years and costs a lot (Simply put, Saving both time and cost) that children can encounter in a matter of hours to be a process for real learning in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Games in the media of activities

Activity type will pick up the design process In order to create a new learning experience, integrating the mechanism of the process with certain objectives to make the learners feel as fun as playing games. Which is taken for other goals that is not only fun or to sum up, it is a mechanism that makes students not only play for fun, but also for fun. "For certain goals" and achieve the goals that designers want in that activitys.


If looking at psychology designed activities is to adjust the behavior of students to achieve the desired result by adding elements of fun to the activity to motivate or inspire you to do something according to the course. It is also for the students to understand through actions and experience directly.

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